Decatur, Illinois, January 25th, 2023 – Land of Lincoln Credit Union (LLCU) released their Annual Community Impact Report highlighting community reinvestment and volunteer efforts of LLCU in 2022. Several organization-wide goals set for 2022 were impressively exceeded, including a goal of 2,000 volunteer hours by staff, and a goal of $75,000 in charitable donations. This monetary level was set to commemorate LLCU’s 75th Anniversary in 2022. In 2022, LLCU staff volunteered 2,454 hours and charitable donations totaled $202,000 in 2022. With the charitable donations and the volunteer hours, over 170 local non-profit agencies were impacted by LLCU’s 2022 Community Impact efforts.
“LLCU has experienced tremendous growth in the last few years, we have grown in asset size, in facilities, in total membership, in total employees, and we’ve expanded our service area,” stated Robert Ares, LLCU President & CEO. “When we experience growth at LLCU, we are committed to extending that growth to all areas we impact, including growth in serving, and giving to, our local communities. That philosophy is at the core of our guiding values at LLCU.”
The full 2022 LLCU Community Impact Report further details impact made on LLCU members and employees, as well as providing a breakdown of the categorical efforts. In the last five years combined, LLCU has made over $580,000 in charitable donations to the local communities in their footprint, and LLCU staff has volunteered 10,350 hours to local community organizations. In recent years, LLCU has been recognized for efforts with several awards including the Governor’s Volunteer Service Award (2018), the Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility Award (2019 & 2021), Mt. Zion Chamber Outstanding Business of the Year Award (2019), Boys & Girls Club Philanthropist of the Year (2021), and Decatur Chamber’s Community Contributor Award Top Five Finalist (2022).
LLCU has again committed to 2,000 volunteer hours and a minimum of $100,000 in community reinvestment efforts for 2023. Each market LLCU serves has selected a designated Charity of the Year to support with payroll deductions and branch-level fundraising efforts.
Take a look at our Community Impact Report and Video for 2022!
2022 COMMUNITY Impact Report
LLCU 2022 Community Impact video